Are Hiking Boots Good for Everyday Use?

hiking boots close-up. girl tourist steps on a log

Hiking boots are in style and keep you on your feet, but wearing them all day every day might not be the best decision.

There aren’t any health reasons to not wear hiking boots every day, as they provide foot support and circulation. However, wearing hiking boots every day wears them down quickly, and since hiking boots are more expensive than regular shoes, it isn’t recommended.

Footwear is important, there’s no doubt about it. Not only can your shoes be an expression of your personality, but they can also provide your feet with the necessary support to keep you moving. So, are hiking boots the perfect combination of style and comfort, or a bit too much every day?

Benefits of Wearing Hiking Boots

Hiking boots seem like the perfect combination of style and support. They offer great support and are designed to be worn for long periods of time. They can protect your feet from the elements like regular shoes won’t, so they can be worn everywhere.

Since they’re built to be worn while exercising, they have good breathability that can keep your feet from getting too stuffy or smelly.

Ankle support is a big part of picking a functional pair of shoes, and hiking boots are built for ankles, so they may help your joints out. Fashionwise, they pair very well with most casual clothing. Wearing hiking boots long-term won’t hurt your feet, and might be better for them than wearing high heels twenty-four seven.

Consequences of Wearing Hiking Boots

hiking boots close-up. tourist walking on the trail. Italy

If hiking boots are so versatile, why not just wear them all the time? First, hiking boots are expensive. More expensive than other day shoes that suit your everyday needs just fine. Wearing them all the time will wear them down and rub away the treads. The boots won’t be as functional for as long, so you’ll need to replace them often, which will put a big dent in your budget.

Second, hiking boots are built to be tough and impermeable, which is great while hiking, but less ideal all day every day. Your feet need a chance to breathe so they can dry out and get enough oxygen to the skin. Not airing your feet out can result in athlete’s foot and other foot issues.

Hiking boots also need to be broken in and can be uncomfortable until they get broken in, so you might be more comfortable in something else that gives you more wiggle room. Lastly, hiking boots can be heavier than ordinary shoes, which can wear you out over time.

How to Care for Hiking Boots

How do you keep your expensive hiking boots good for as long as possible? When you first get a pair of hiking boots, you’ll need to break them in. Hiking boots are stiff when you first get them and may give you a blister until they’re broken in. You may want to wear them around the house for a few days so they’re broken in before you hit the trail, which will give you more blisters than your living room rug.

You should also make sure you’re lacing your boots properly. If you get a lot of blisters, they might be too loose and rub your feet when you move. Too tight, and they can restrict blood flow and make your feet lose feeling. Keep your boots dry to prevent any fungus from growing inside the boot. Let them dry out in between soaking by leaving them in a ventilated, sunny area. Stuff the insides with newspapers to keep them dry.

Don’t throw your hiking boots in the washing machine! Gently remove dust and dirt with a brush and running water with boot cleaner if the mess is that bad. Laces can go in the wash but can be hard to find afterward, so keep a close eye on them! Always wear your boots with sturdy socks, and buy ones that actually fit your feet!

The better care you give your shoes, the longer they last. Good hiking boots can cost a pretty penny, so save by keeping them in good enough shape not to be replaced overly often.

Choosing a Pair of Shoes for Everyday

Autumn running shoes girl tying laces ready to run in forest foliage background. Sport runner woman training cardio in outdoor fall nature in pink activewear leggings and footwear.

If you’re not wearing hiking boots, what are you wearing? Different days need different shoes. Sneakers are a great everyday shoe as they aren’t very expensive and can be worn almost everywhere.

In hot weather, wear sandals to keep your feet from overheating or getting too sweaty! If you notice that you keep getting blisters from your shoes, make sure they fit properly or tighten the laces.

Tight shoes won’t let you wiggle your toes, and can make your feet lose feeling because they restrict blood flow. Loosen the laces or get a bigger shoe. If you can’t find a shoe that fits, you might have wide feet. There are shoes built for wide feet, so check if those fit more comfortably. If a shoe doesn’t feel comfortable in the store, don’t purchase it! It’s only going to get worse, not better, as you wear it.

Best Places to Wear Hiking Boots

If you can’t wear hiking boots around your house, where can you wear them? They are best to wear while hiking when your feet need the most support and protection! They are also a good fit for walking anywhere wet because they keep out water better than sneakers or sandals and are usually more comfortable than the traditional rubber boots.

Anywhere you think your feet need more protection, for example, an area with broken glass or metal on the ground, you might want hiking boots to help you breathe easier and not worry about your feet.

Overall, your footwear is up to you! Wear your hiking boots to the beach if you really want to, although it will likely be uncomfortable. As long as you take good care of your feet and your shoes, wear what makes you feel most comfortable because not everyone needs the exact same footwear! However, if you’re trying to make your boots last, keep them in the closet until you go hiking.

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